31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

I Brain ODTÜ

I love the latest slogan- I Brain ODTÜ so much. Moreover, before we learned the results of university examination, before I learned that I'm going to be one of the Metu students, I was using this slogan when we were just sitting and chatting with friends.

It's effective, because it is something true. "I think of ODTÜ. I'm thinking, just like the other people at Metu. I'm one of them. And we all have something to say about anything. And we all support each other's view. We are a union. We are from Metu. We are different." I think, the slogan has this meaning. "We are here together, and we always will." This is important.
Being here makes me happy, proud, and strong. I can feel the bond. And that's where I get the strenght.

If I was to design the right slogan for my university, for Metu, I would choose "I Brain ODTÜ." Because I don't think there is any other appropriate slogan for Metu. "I Brain ODTÜ" is the best one, I think. It symbolizes the spirit of Metu with such suitable words that I can't think of something else. Congratulations to whom designed this slogan. They made a very good job. I love it. And I don't think that there is someone who doesn't like it.

I Brain ODTÜ. I love ODTÜ.

2 yorum:

  1. Dear Buse. Your thoughts about this slogan is something good. But I think there is something wrong with grammar or I think so. In the third line
    you can use 'while' instead of 'when'. I think it will be more suitable. There is also something in the last paragraph. In the line the fourth, you can use 'and' without a comma. Sincerely. see you :)

  2. Dear Ahmet,

    Thank you very much for your comment. I got your point. You are right. It would be better if I wrote them as you said. Thank you again. :)
