31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

I Brain ODTÜ

I love the latest slogan- I Brain ODTÜ so much. Moreover, before we learned the results of university examination, before I learned that I'm going to be one of the Metu students, I was using this slogan when we were just sitting and chatting with friends.

It's effective, because it is something true. "I think of ODTÜ. I'm thinking, just like the other people at Metu. I'm one of them. And we all have something to say about anything. And we all support each other's view. We are a union. We are from Metu. We are different." I think, the slogan has this meaning. "We are here together, and we always will." This is important.
Being here makes me happy, proud, and strong. I can feel the bond. And that's where I get the strenght.

If I was to design the right slogan for my university, for Metu, I would choose "I Brain ODTÜ." Because I don't think there is any other appropriate slogan for Metu. "I Brain ODTÜ" is the best one, I think. It symbolizes the spirit of Metu with such suitable words that I can't think of something else. Congratulations to whom designed this slogan. They made a very good job. I love it. And I don't think that there is someone who doesn't like it.

I Brain ODTÜ. I love ODTÜ.

18 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

An Ideal University

A university should have some features. I mean, there are a lot of universities in Turkey, or in the world, but few of them can offer you the opportunities that a university should do. For example, the instructors should be followers of the recent developments. They shouldn't be behind of the progress as a university teacher.
And there is a feature that is not about university, but I think this is a must. I think the university students must be conscious. They must be aware of the things that are happening around them. That's one of the important
characteristics that a university student must have.
And Metu is the ideal university for me. Because I can find the thing that I'm looking for. There are a lot of things that a university should have, but how the students think, how their mind works is the most important one, I think. I love being here. Thanks to all the features Metu has.

Being A Student At METU

I'm very happy to be here. We have the opportunities Metu offers us. And it is not limited in just academic opportunities. For example, I love fencing. And I can learn it here. I don't know any other universities that has a fencing club. This is a very small example of our possible chances at Metu.
Apart from this, Metu is a widely known university. Everybody knows that it is hard to study here. And that makes me nervous because I don't like studying hard, and I don't know how to do actually. But I'll learn probably, or I'm going to be here forever. So I have to learn it. :)
Oh, there is one thing I'm not that content with. The bunks. The bunks in the dormitories. They are too old to be used. I'm so uncomfortable that I cannot sleep properly. But in this subject, there's nothing I can do except for waiting.
And that's all for now. I love Metu whether it is hard to study, or not. I love Metu whether the bunks are too old, or not. It is good to be here. And I think it is a privilege to be here.

4 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

Brand New

This is a new life. New place, new friends, new school, new home. Everything is brand new. Is that hard to get accustommed to this new things? Yes, little bit. But, not impossible. This is the very beginning of our own time. And we're alone now. With all the possible problems. And we're gonna make it. :)