13 Haziran 2013 Perşembe

Article Reflection 2 - Show Me the Way to Go Home

Article Reflection 2 - Show Me the Way to Go Home


The writes states that there are more young adults who live with their parents than expected. I have thought so. Firstly, today's youngsters are really willing to leave home and live on their own. However, it is not that simple. Life sometimes is not on their side and they eventually come back to their parents' home. This seems to be a good thing at first, but it necessitates some adjustments for the all that is going to live together. For example, using bathroom or telephone, or creating a private place is really important because individuals would want them, and actually, they need those adjustments. Also, some people come back to their homes after divorcing and they bring their children.  These children need some special care, as well. However, I learnt an interesting fact when I read the article which is that brief visits could actually be beneficial. I find it interesting because I thought 'What is the difference?' The difference is both people who make and have brief visits have strength from each other. They support each other, which creates a new bond between them. Shortly, I agree with the writer because people think that it is their own home and family at first. However, it changes both sides' lives in the long run. People should take it into consideration because it is an undeniable fact.


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