13 Haziran 2013 Perşembe


My Comments on My Friends' Blogs





Revision of Article Reflection 1 - Can Men and Women Be Friends?

Article Reflection 1 - Can Men and Women Be Friends?

The writer says that it is possible to have male-female friendships in the article "Can Men and Women Be Friends?" despite all the challenges such as defining the relationship, overcoming attraction, establishing equality, the public eye, and the meeting place. I agree with the writer because I definitely know that women and men can be not only friends but also close friends. Firstly, I have many male friends, but what is more important than that is I have many male close friends. As a woman, I can say that they are much closer to me than many female friends of mine. I can talk, listen, or do anything I want. They can do the same things, as well. Female-female friendship is awesome, but male-female friendship is priceless. They are like brothers to me.

 Secondly, it is not important what other people think about it. We are very close friends, and that is important. Some people can believe that it is not possible to be just friends, but we show them that it is. Thirdly, we do not have such problems like thinking of what we are, friends or lovers because we know each other. If there was an attraction between us, we would never call each other brother or sister, which highlights the invisible boundaries. Thinking that becoming friends with the opposite sex is impossible dates back to the old times, the times that women were just there to have kids and pick up after their husband. However, we do not live in those days now. Women joined the work life. They have their roles in the social life, which makes it a necessity to meet opposite sex. 


To conclude, we need to cut across our boundaries and accept how amazing it is to have a cross-sex friend. In every period of our lives, friends are friends. We really need to know its value.

Revision of 'My Sister's Keeper'

I am not a type of person who likes to cry. That is why I do not prefer the movies which contains too much sensuality. However, in the summer of 2009, I went to the cinema to watch the movie, My Sister's Keeper, with the insistence of my cousin. I refused firstly, but she convinced my in the end. I am so glad that she did. The movie was such an impressive one that I admired it. I loved the movie so much that I have watched it again recently. In the movie, there is a girl who is leukemia patient, Kate. Her mother, Sara, devotes her life to save Kate. She gives up everything; her job, her marriage, her husband, and her own life. While she is taking care of Kate, she unintentionally ignores his son, Jesse. Jesse is a dyslexic boy. He cannot read at all. However, his parent have no time to pay attention to him. That is why they send him to a boarding school that takes care of dyslexic children. He does not want to go and cries a lot. He gives his word to study more and be successful in the school just not to be sent. Sara and her husband, Brian, thinks of every possibility to keep Kate alive. Neither Sara's nor Brian's DNA doesn't match with Kate's. Then, their doctor makes a suggestion which is actually not legal. He suggests to create a baby, a donor born baby, who matches with Kate in terms of everything. Sara, of course, leaps at the chance to save Kate. Then, they have their third kid, Anna, who gives everything Kate needs. At the age of 11, she thinks that she has a life and she wants to decide to do whatever wants to. She hires a lawyer to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. She does not want to give some parts of her body to Kate anymore, which will certainly kill Kate. That is where the story starts. After she told this to her parents, some bad events occurs in their family relationships. Some of them get mad at Anna while others understand her. While they are quarreling with each other, Kate's situation gets worse. Since Sara dedicates her life to keep Kate alive, she does not aware of how tired her daughter is because of the curing process. Although Kate is tired of fighting against the cancer and wants to give up, her mother cannot see it just because she cannot stand the idea of losing her daughter.

Sara and Kate

Anna and the lawyer she hired

Anna, Kate, and Jesse

Kate and her boyfriend, Taylor

I chose this video because this is the official trailer of the movie. In this video, you can see the things I've just mentioned up there. At first, they are very happy because everything is okay. Everything is just how it should be. However, when Anna demands her body's rights, everything just breaks off. Brian and Sara have an argument  Jesse, the brother of the girls, gets angry to Anna because she is not telling the truth according to him. In addition, you see a boy who is also sick, Taylor. Taylor and Kate have grown close. He does Kate good. They stand by each other in the process of chemotherapy. Kate's illness gets better thanks to Taylor. I  strongly recommend you to watch this movie. You may not be interested in drama movies like me, but even I was affected by it. Thus, just give it a chance and enjoy it. :)

Now You See Me


I want to talk about one of the movies I have recently watched, Now You See Me. It was just released on May 31. 2013. I really liked the movie, so I chose it as my subject. Let me talk about the plot a little bit, but I will not spoil the movie, I promise. :) In the movie, there are four people who earn their lives as amateur magicians. However, they come together for some important reasons such as being able to join 'The Eye.' Actually, they had no idea about The Eye at first, but someone whom they even do not know bring them together and inform them about The Eye. Then, they have prepared for a year for The Eye. The Eye is a secret society of successful magicians. Our magicians are Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher), Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), and Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson). After they come together, they call themselves 'The Four Horsemen'. If you know about The Four Horsemen, you understand the reference to the Bible now. Anyway, they need to make big, splendid, important shows to join The Eye. And oh, they do! They really make great shows! Just and understand what I mean. :) In the cast, there is an actor who is one of the greatest actors, Morgan Freeman. I think he does not need any word to tell how successful he is. Jesse Eiseenberg, performing Daniel, is one of my favorites. If you watched 'The Social Network' or 'Zombieland', you knew him, then. I like him. In the movie, there are some quotes I really liked. For example, "The closer you look, the less you'll see." , "First rule of magic: always be the smartest person in the room." , and "Come in close, because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you." In the end, you are going to be shocked! It is a very surprising end! If you watch the movie, tell me your ideas about the movie. :)

Video Reflection

I chose this video because this is the second official trailer of the movie. I always support the idea of making people watch the trailer to recommend a movie because you always find the things that you need to see and learn before watching the whole movie in the trailers. In this video, you see The Four Horsemen clearly. They are like a modern Robin Hood. That's why police is after them. I must say that interrogation scene was amazing. I really enjoyed there. I hope you enjoy it, as well. :)

Article Reflection 3 - I Surf, Therefore, I Am

Article Reflection 3 - I Surf, Therefore, I Am

The writer thinks that computers are not empowering. I can partially agree with his idea. Yes, I agree that it does not always work for children as an informative tool. However, it depends on people who will use those tools beneficially or not. I am not saying the writer is completely wrong and Bill Gates is right. I just think that if children are taught to use computers effectively, computers have chance to be empowering. The writer says that 'Students surf, therefore, they do not read.' I believe that if those children are taught that internet is not about just surfing and making them to read some both beneficial and enjoyable articles, they would benefit from it. It is all about being conscious individuals. It is true that students hand in their homework without even reading it by just copying from a website. However, I think it comes from a habit. If people get a new habit like reading more, it will bring more conscious people with it, then. The writer also put emphasis on the difference between information and idea.  I must say that he is so right about those children who have information but lack idea. However, as I said above, reading habit must be instilled those children. Shortly, I partially agree with the writer because he has some strict boundaries about computers' power, but I believe in their power if they are used correctly.

Article Reflection 2 - Show Me the Way to Go Home

Article Reflection 2 - Show Me the Way to Go Home


The writes states that there are more young adults who live with their parents than expected. I have thought so. Firstly, today's youngsters are really willing to leave home and live on their own. However, it is not that simple. Life sometimes is not on their side and they eventually come back to their parents' home. This seems to be a good thing at first, but it necessitates some adjustments for the all that is going to live together. For example, using bathroom or telephone, or creating a private place is really important because individuals would want them, and actually, they need those adjustments. Also, some people come back to their homes after divorcing and they bring their children.  These children need some special care, as well. However, I learnt an interesting fact when I read the article which is that brief visits could actually be beneficial. I find it interesting because I thought 'What is the difference?' The difference is both people who make and have brief visits have strength from each other. They support each other, which creates a new bond between them. Shortly, I agree with the writer because people think that it is their own home and family at first. However, it changes both sides' lives in the long run. People should take it into consideration because it is an undeniable fact.